Common Self Improvement mistakes that you might make while reaching your highest potential

On 21st December 2020, I started my Self improvement journey.

I got into self help because I was overweight, socially anxious and had no ambition.

And now things are way more better then I could have thought,

Although there are some mistakes that you can make during your self improvement journey.

1. You Change Too Much at Once.

When you know good habits but don’t do them, there is guilt. And when you know too many good habits, the guilt is uncontrollable.

2. You Are Forcing It on Other People.

As you read self-help, you start to see your pitfalls. It’s great to have the possibility to fix your mistakes. The problem is when you observe people’s mistake and shove solutions down their throat.

3. You avoid risk to avoid failure.

It might seem unusual to focus on failure when discussing the road to success but the two go hand-in-hand. Failure is a natural part of many success stories as failure gives us the opportunity learn. 

4. You focus on broad goals such as “Personal Development”.

You wake up every day, look in the mirror and say ‘Yes. Today I am going to improve.” But then you stop. Because how, exactly? If you don’t set clear, focused goals, it’s very likely you won’t do very much at all.

5. Setting goals to impress other people.

More than we would like to admit, we fear being left behind by other people.

Jealous of their position and that corner office overlooking the city, or obsessed over the difference between our cars and theirs, we set out to compete in a race for material possessions.

We put out self-esteem on the scale with other people’s success. We resign the power to feel complete and satisfied with ourselves with the hope for external validation.

Yet, fulfillment isn’t the prize awaiting in the finish line. But insecurity and dissatisfaction will be your company. We will always feel incomplete and insignificant comparing to the rest of the world. There will always someone’s who more successful, more wealthy and seemingly live a better life than you.

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